
Syracuse Area Health offers phone or video appointments in the comfort and safety of your home, including primary care, orthopaedics and more!

Visits are available for established SAH patients with a smartphone, computer or tablet with audio/visual capability. If you don’t have this technology, no worries! We can also accommodate appropriate telephone-only visits.

How it works:

  • Patient calls clinic and requests an appointment via Telehealth
  • Scheduler checks to make sure the requested provider is participating in the Telehealth program
  • Scheduler makes the appointment for the patient
  • On the day of the appointment, the patient is called 15 minutes prior and clicks the link received from SAH via email or text
  • Patient will be checked in by admissions and will then meet with the nurse. Please have medication containers ready to review with the nurse. If available to you, have tools ready to check height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration rate, and oxygen levels
  • After visiting with the nurse, the patient will be connected with the provider
Call to make an Appointment

Family Practice – 402-269-2411
Specialty Clinic including Orthopaedics – 402-269-7636

Telehealth appointments are covered by many insurances during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact your insurance provider to find out.

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