Syracuse Area Health’s Weeping Water Clinic is changing its address—and name. And because providing quality healthcare is always our priority, the move is as much about patient experience as it is about providing more services, enhancing resources and establishing a foundation for future growth—all in a location that’s convenient and accessible to all of the communities the clinic serves.
The Syracuse Area Health Clinic & Pharmacy – North Campus will be nearly double the size of the current Weeping Water Clinic. Logistically, the new facility is ideal; it will offer additional clinic rooms so providers can care for more people. The new location is also more convenient—right off of Highway 50—giving everyone in the area easier access to get the healthcare they need. Providers will also utilize the extra space to administer more services.
The new clinic will add X-ray services, so patients can get immediate results without having to travel to another facility. A new, on-site retail pharmacy means patients can fill prescriptions before they leave their appointments—and provides a much-needed resource to the area as currently, the nearest pharmacies are in Louisville and Syracuse. The larger space also gives staff the space they need to coordinate care, provide treatments and offer an even better overall patient experience.
Patients can still rely on quality care from providers they know and trust, and unserved community members can get the care they need. The exciting changes mirror Syracuse Area Health’s ongoing commitment to enhance patient care, help more people in all of the communities they serve and will provide an even stronger foundation for the future of healthcare in Southeast Nebraska.
Your donation will positively impact healthcare in Southeast Nebraska
The Syracuse Area Health Foundation invites residents interested in contributing to the future of healthcare in Southeast Nebraska to donate or pledge through the Syracuse Area Health Capital Campaign. Donations and pledges to this important project will benefit residents throughout this region by ensuring they have convenient access to quality healthcare and resources. Please support this ongoing commitment to enhance patient care and serve families and neighbors throughout the region.
A donor recognition feature allows donors to memorialize the name of their family or business. Donations of $1,000 or more will be recognized on our Donor Wall. Make your gift through the Syracuse Area Health Foundation, a tax-exempt, 501 (c)(3) corporation by clicking HERE or mailing your donation to:
Syracuse Area Health Foundation
2731 Healthcare Drive
Syracuse, NE 68446
Contact Jill Ford, VP of Marketing and Development at 402-269-7658 or jford@syracuseareahealth.com for more information.
All gifts are tax deductible in accordance with federal and Nebraska state laws.
The new Syracuse Area Health Clinic & Pharmacy–North Campus is scheduled to open in the fall of 2021.