Provider Directory

Heather Noerrlinger
Family Medicine
North Campus Clinic, Syracuse Area Health
Undergraduate in Nursing
Northeast Community College
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Masters of Science in Nursing
Clarkson College
Professional Activities
Member of the Nebraska Nurse Practitioner Association and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
What do you find most rewarding about caring for patients?
"I find that the personal connections that I make with patients is the most rewarding. I love having the opportunity to support patients through their healthcare journeys. I enjoy focusing on the wellness aspect of healthcare. I feel that prevention is vital in overall health. Once that connection and rapport with my patient is established, we can then discuss ways to optimize their overall health."
What about Syracuse Area Health makes you smile?
"There are many things about SAH that make me smile. The patients that I get to know, the relationships that I have made here with my work family, and the overall community feel of working here. It is refreshing to work in a place that you love, getting to do what you love. When you walk in the building you know that the employees here truly care about each other and the patients that we serve."